Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts


And I'm not saying that I have demands, just elaborate plans in far-off lands...

So a life update for y'all. This luggage situation is a joke. If I could count the amount of airports I have struggled by myself with 2 suitcases through over the past 6months, well it would at least be 5.  Right now the only thing tying me down is my hair bobble.

But what I mean to say with that is that I have moved once more. And I am currently writing this basking in Melbourne 35 degree heat. I know I wished for summer whilst I was in New Zealand but this is dare I say it, a bit too hot! Fried egg on pavement kind of weather. My rash decision to move to Melbourne was urged by some bad news that left me wanting to be around good friends and the calling of two short film projects. And the life I have at the moment means I can make the decision and be on the plane two days later. A freedom like this is something I treasure, and certainly something I will miss in future years. 

But I'm back in Oz, and I never have felt so happy to be somewhere - Melbourne in the summer has to be one of the best places in the world. If you have never been to Melbourne before, well your missing out. I'm currently debating a shotgun Aussie wedding, so much is my love for the city! (I'm not really...don't panic mum!) 

I will be in Melbourne for Christmas, and will be here until at least the end of January. And then February...who knows? I certainly don't. And right now I don't care. I'm enjoying life, and I will figure that one out in due course. Maybe in a blindfolded pin the tail on a map of the world kinda way. 

Attached are pictures of some of the last few days Melbourne shenanigans. 

Emily x