Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts


"Good Neighbours become good friends"

Well my visa is almost out, and I've worked the 6 months I could at 'Neighbours' so sadly the time has come for me to say goodbye to Lou and the rest of the Ramsey Street residents! I have met some lovely people there, and I will miss rather a lot of them.

But all good things come to pass and it's time for me to move on to my next adventure. A health retreat! Many a 12 hour day at 'Neighbours' I dreamt of meditating and just having time to myself, so I decided to make this dream a reality. 'The Golden Door' in Queensland offers a work experience program, and I was lucky enough to be accepted on. In return for helping out 5 days a week for several hours with the guests I get free board, food and use of the facilities. A sneaky way to save the $3000 a week it is to stay here!

I'm currently embracing Tai Chi at sunrise, walks through the forest, meditation, yoga, delicious vegetarian food, swimming under the stars and the positive attitude that everybody seems to embody here. It also helps that Queensland is ten times sunnier and warmer then Melbourne! I'm here for the next three weeks but I'm quite tempted to extend my stay as I'm enjoying the stress-free, simple pace here. 

Now whats the bets I'll be running for the nearest MacDonalds in a few days? 

Emily x